Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Simply Abundant Day

I got this wonderful invitation from my friend Claudette to come to her house today to visit, knit and have lunch. Of course, just the invitation to her home was I offered to buy her lunch but she, we'd go to this little 'bistro' in town..Claudette isn't known to tell a fib so of course I knew we were going to do just that..however the bistro was in her very own dining room and I can't imagine there's one in her town that could serve up the delicious Caesar Salad she whipped was the yummiest I've ever eaten..
Then she took me on a little side trip to The Glen Maury Park to show me the actual 'Buena Vista'(Good View)...then we took a most stimulating walk down the flood that we could go home and enjoy her awesome blueberry dessert served with ice cream..yep..I'm Abundantly full and happy..nothing simple about those pleasures.

It was a delightful visit but the time just flew by and it was time for me to head back over the mountain home before dark..which happens promptly about 5 p.m.

Thanks Claudette for a taste of Simple Abundance...I listened to the CD all the way back across the 'big hill'..very soothing for the soul..
And in case I didn't tell you how much I appreciate your friendship and love you..I do VERY MUCH!!


Jadielady said...

Claudette is good people! And so are you! I'm looking forward to seeing you (hopefully both) this week at knit night.

Dianne said...

Thanks Jadie...yes, she is VERY good 'people'..
I'll be there but it's too much of a trip for Claude and Genie in the dark..we'll have to wait until spring for them to join us..unless of course we go to them..

Marianne said...

Now that's what I'm talking about..Make Good Time. Exactly what you and Claudette made and what a wonderful day!!
Hmmmm, sounds like maybe a knit night field trip should be in order :^)

Chanel said...

Love the idea of sending an invite to simply visit, knit and have lunch. Might steal that one.

margene said...

Good friends are worth their weight in gold.