Friday, December 25, 2009


This is the Shalom Cardigan that I made my Sister for really looks very pretty on her..but look at this pretty's a Sonya@Studio 43 Original..

The reason for the neck shot of me...this is the lovely Baktus that Marianne made for me some months ago..although this isn't the first time I've was the first time the camera was handy..and the shawl pin..Mike made for me for's really very intricate if up closely but you'll just have to take my word for this, huh. I love this scarf..the colors, her handspun, her's all so beautiful! I love it and Thank you Marianne.

For the lovely scarf I was wearing yesterday..I failed to give the credit to the wonderful knitter..this came to me from my friend Judy in Portland that I met during Sock Summit I feel so lucky to have so many talented friends..Judy has probably humiliated me into cables..because I wore this yesterday and had lots of compliments and..could you make me one?...It is so elegant and I love it..Thank you Judy!

Let it be said..I do love scarves and I love wearing them..So when Marianne gives me the heads up on a new pattern..I'm quick to check it out..

I did trek out today in the pouring rain to have lunch with Mom, Sister, John and Mike..We had such a good visit and a great meal...but it was nice to get home and sit and relax a bit..Tonight I'm going to enjoy the 'lights'..

What are you doing?

1 comment:

Marianne said...

that dratted bloglines hadn't alerted me to these two new posts...grrrr.
The Shalom sweater turned out pretty and it looks good on Sis! Looks like she likes her mitts too ;^)
awww. You are so very welcome :^) I'm glad to hear the scarf is helping to keep you warm and cozy.