Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A little slow

It's been a bit slow around here..I realize I still owe you 1 more day of Sock Summit and I will bore you with that another day.

I've had a really tough time regaining my knitting mojo since the return, seems the entire Mojo hopped the plane in SLC..not just the little Sock Guy that I was dropping off to Margene..so if you see him/her/IT..send it my way..I have lots of 'started' items..and have just totally walked away from them to do this...This is the first of a pair, I hope..using the yarn I purchased from Pigeonroof Studios..I tried really hard to knit with some acrylic..because I have too..for this charity project, but I made a new knit rule..NNAOS(no knitting acrylic on Sunday) therefore I have 2 projects barely started and sitting on the sidelines patiently waiting their turn..
This is just a plain vanilla..easy peasy pattern..but the yarn is pretty fantastic to knit with. I think that 10% Cashmere makes it 'sweet' on the hands.
Ok..back to your regular scheduled programs..this paid for commercial was brought to you by Dyna~


margene said...

All your mojos maybe here in SLC, but Sock Mojo didn't stick around. I hope he's headed back your way as that sock is fabulous!!

Marianne said...

Your Sock Mojo is definitely not here, hmmmm. I'll check the bars later tonight, maybe ours are hangin' together ;^) I'll definitely send him on home to you if indeed this is the case.
Yes, that is one Gorgeous sock!

Nana Sadie said...

Sorry your mojo is gone - but I agree with you about this Charity Project in acrylic. I may simply die.
Tried to cast on last night - YUCK. My hands hurt.